Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Third Quarter Reflection


The AP Exam is in about 5 weeks, and I believe I am a little ready for it. I think a more preparation is needed. I believe I need to focus on answering mutiple choice questions in order to be able to be sucessful on the test. My weaknesses on the test would be evaluating the qusetions and figuring ou tthe best answer, and also understanding the definitions of the words used in the questions, and answers. My strengths would be the essay section, I think I could pull off a good score. I loved the jeopardy game. I also loved reading
"Their Eyes Were Watching God". And I wish we could have finished the naming what type of qusetion it is, as a group. I learned alot about essays this quarter, it was overall a productive quarter.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Quarter TWO Reflection!!

The quarter went by very quickly in my opinion. Throughout the quarter I was exposed to many different ideas and themes, such as a tragic hero. The two tragic hero's we learned about were Oedipus and Othello. Othello was my favorite reading of the quarter. It was very interesting and as I read it many things began to unfold. I felt like people could relate to the characters in Othello. Also the idea of a villian gave this play a little spice!The most challenging thing was writing a good essay. I have learned that an essay may seem like its repeating the same idea, but sometimes this might be okay. I am still currntly working on that though. Overall, I feel like I will remeber the selections we read this quarter.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Othello Essay

Just a Villain?
Many critics argue that Iago, not Othello is the main character of the play. Make an argument that supports this statement and discuss whether Iago is simply a stock “villain” or is he more complex. Is his character universal to us all? Is he capable of redemption?

            Can the complexity of a man ever be fully explained? In the play “Othello” by Shakespeare many issues are discussed and different characters contribute to the plays atmosphere and reasoning. Characters in this play are misunderstood or perceived as many things, but really are another. Iago is the antagonist or “villain” in this play. He is used to bring problems into the play, problems big enough to be suicidal. He has a master plan and incorporates it through out the play. In “Othello” Othello would usually be described as the main character but details in the play could show otherwise. On the other hand it could be argued that Iago is the main character. And in the play evidence could help support that statement. Throughout the play Shakespeare uses characterization, to help expand the role of Iago in the play, and even in a universal sense.
            Throughout the play Iago continuously fools, and tricks people, and is basically mentally in control of many of the characters. “Non Sults my mediators” (Act I, Scene I). Iago starts the play with a request, which was to become the lieutenant, but this request was not fulfilled.  And this is when he became motivated to get everyone back, because things didn’t go his way. “The better shall my purpose work on him” (Act I, Scene III) Iago began to use Othello, like a puppet and worked for him only, to destroy him.  “Such a handkerchief I am sure it was your wife-did I today see Cassio wipe his beard with”.  Act III, Scene III). Iago uses Othello’s love for his wife Desdemona against him and begins to trick him by using false evidence, to accuse Desdemona of adultery.
            As the play begins to unravel you can see Iago’s complexity. “I am not what I am.”(Act I, Scene I). Iago is said to be honest throughout the play, but behind the scenes he is really the evil mastermind. He is not what he says he is, and the words he speaks are lies.  “Is of a constant, loving, noble nature,” (Act II, Scene I). This statement is so complex, and very contradicting.  Iago is destroying Othello’s relationship, and his mind, but still describes him as a good man. The irony in the situation is hectic, how could somebody treat a good man, horrible. “Tis here, but yet confused.”(Act II, Scene I). Iago has a plan but is still unclear of the specific details. He knows what his goal is but still is executing it day by day. He is the evil scientist, who wants to create something but is continuously adding different ingredients into the potion.
            Throughout the play Iago has many moments when he is just by himself in the spotlight letting us know his actually thoughts. “[The Moor already changes with my poison ;]’.( Act III, Scene III). With his lies and his excellent persuasive skills Iago successfully persuades Othello to believe his wife is having an affair with Cassio. Iago continues to feed this “poison” to break Othello. “I hate the moor.” (Act I, Scene III). In Iago deep thoughts he continuously explains his hatred for Othello which he calls the Moor. Iago wants to get back at Othello, for many reasons, which only Iago could truly explain.   “To get his place and to plume up my will…how? how?” (Act I, Scene III)  In Iago’s mind he begins to conjure up ideas on what to do, to get Cassio’s position. Iago is so jealous of Cassio which to him is just a weak intellect and not a battle field leader.
“With his weak function. How am I then a villain.”(Act II Scene III). In some ways Iago doesn’t consider himself to be a villain, but instead puts the blame the on the people who are actually falling for his lies.
            Iago has a master plan and one by one is executing this plan. “I follow him to serve my turn upon him” (Act I, Scene I). Othello is Iago’s leader, and he continues to serve him just to get back at him. So the plan is stick by his side, pretend to care about Othello’s well being, but destroy him on the inside. And Othello wasn’t Iago’s only target; Iago also used others to help complete his plan. “If I can fasten but one cup upon him... He’ll be as full of quarrel” (Act II, Scene III). Iago used Cassio, by getting him drunk so he could lose his lieutenant position, which Iago believed he deserved. “I’ll pour this pestilence into his ear” (Act II, Scene III). Even when Iago got the position he always wanted he continued to prowl around and cause problems. He poured more lies and deceitful thoughts into Othello’s mind, which Othello ended up believing.
            Even though Iago is looked at as the bad guy, you could examine his character and see that there is a little Iago in all of us. “I know my price, I am worth no worse place” (Act I, Scene I). Everyone believes that they deserve the best, and the finer things in life. Many also go and do things to get to those finer things. In Iago’s case he believed he should have gotten the lieutenant position, and since he didn’t he fought for it. “But partly to diet my revenge.”(Act II, Scene I). Iago strives for what he wants, and is a fighter and many people have that character and many people have the tendency to get even on situations they believe to be unfair.” When this advice is free I give and honest” (Act II, Scene III). Iago as seen as the villain but believes he is just a character who everyone is coming too during there time of need and he is just advising them, and it is their decision on whether not to take his advice into consideration or not.
            You can’t fully blame Iago for feeling the way he did about the situations he was placed in. This is why he is such a complex character, understandable, but not understandable. The actions he displayed in this play were basically immature and unnecessary. A person so evil couldn’t possibly be capable of redemption. There were many other ways to handle his situation but he chose another path. His plan basically made up the theme for the play, so the title of “main character” must go to him. Iago’s character could in some way relate to everyone in the world. So ask yourself “what would you do in this situation?” And just like the complexity of a man, questions like that could never be explained.


Monday, November 8, 2010

Quarter 1 reflection

Throughout the first quarter AP Lit has been one of my most powerful classes. I have learned so many new things, and have reviewed and expanded my knowledge on many topics. For example, I learned how to read literature and gain more understanding on a piece. My favorite reading in the first quarter was "The Shawl" , this story was the most emotional, and and descripitive story. I felt like I had a personal connection to the mother in this story and I enojoyed annotating it. I  learned how to analyze literature, by annotating,using marginals,signs,and highlighiting. This has helped me have a conversation with the author and has helped my creative side grow. Because when the quarter first started I didn't really understand many concepts of literature, or have any creativity on how to infer what the author's message is. This is why one of my favorite lessons were when the class had to draw a picture using what Ms. Ahearn had described. We also had to use the picture we drew to create a story or describe what is occuring. This seemed very easy until I heard everyone else's story and realized that I really didn't think beyond and that my ideas were in a box. This was an epiphany that I believe will help me in the future,especially in this class. Because now I understand how to be creative and think of other perspectives.

The Symbolism of Tiresias

Prompt: As a prophet, Tiresias speaks for the gods and for fate. How does the character of Tiresias function dramatically in Oedipus the king?(hint: what literary devices, themes, or larger ideas are embodied in his character and how does this create meaning.)
Can you really escape your destiny, or fate in life? Oedipus Rex is a play by Sophocles which uses many ideas to gain different perspective of things. And Sophocles uses many literary devices to project these ideas. In this play Oedipus is in a bad situation, stuck between 2 of these ideas, fate and chance. And the idea of fate is represented by one of the characters who is Tiresias. In Oedipus Rex, Sophocles uses Tiresias as a symbolism of knowledge, power and fate. In Oedipus Rex Tiresias is blind in the physical sense, but his knowledge surpasses all. “ The truth with all it’s power lives inside me”, Tiresias said. Indeed the truth does lie in Tiresias. He knows all the secrets behind the destruction of Thebes. And it is ironic because he is blind, but this gave Tiresias a bigger meaning. How can a blind man see? Well because he is a prophet ,he knows so much that it makes him a genius ,especially compared to Oedipus. And he knows, and understands the fate of everyone including Oedipus. And to know and understand is the greatest knowledge of all.
But because Tiresias knows the future and fate of many , doesn’t mean that everyone will understand or know also. In Oedipus Rex , Oedipus’s mother and wife , Jocasta doesn’t believe in such things. She believes that your life cannot be determined by fate ,but by chance. Which basically means that you decide your own fate, in a way. “Chance rules our lives. Not a man on earth can see a day ahead”, Jocasta said. So between these two beliefs, Oedipus couldn’t decide which one to believe. “ I heard all that and I ran….always running toward some place were I could never see the shame of all those oracles come true”, said Oedipus. He fled from Corinth so that the fate that he was told wouldn’t occur, and he also believes that by fleeing he will be in control of his life. So in a way he believes in fate and chance. Little does Oedipus know his fate has already come to pass, and is being told by Tiresias.
When Oedipus hears his fate, he doesn’t want to believe Tiresias, and uses his diction of power to overrule Tiresias prophecy. “You’ve lost your power, stone-blind…..eyes blind as stone”, said Oedipus. And Tiresias is sent by the gods blind for a reason. Because blindness is looked at by Oedipus as something that makes you powerless. But having little knowledge of your actions and surrounding is what really makes you blind. And in Oedipus Rex, Oedipus is mentally blind which makes him powerless. But Sophocles has made Tiresias the most powerful person in the play, because even though he is physically blind, Tiresias knows what’s going on, and knows Oedipus’s fate.
But could you blame Oedipus for being mentally blind? The emphasis that Tiresias has in Oedipus Rex, is so extreme that it could bring fear into anyone’s eyes. This fear brought in denial, which is why Tiresias symbolized power. Anyone that could bring fear to a king , is a very powerful person. And a blind person who is considered to be old and weak, would probably be the last person anyone would be afraid of. But that is why Tiresias is a great symbol. His character connected with the story and real life. And this helped bring Oedipus Rex into another perspective.